Everyone knows if you go to a convenience store down in L.A., you’re going to get dirty looks and snarky “under the breath’ comments on how you’re clothes are out of style, or you’re hair isn’t platinum blonde like the rest of the Barbie girls down there. But, once you take a step into that Magical Kingdom in Anaheim, the last thing anyone is going to do is judge is YOU. *Side Note: I’m not judging EVERY person in L.A., I’m just saying due to personal experiences that many people down there have given me hell for my looks.*
There’s something about the atmosphere in Disney that makes everyone seem nicer. Once those mouse ears are on, and you can see Space Mountain outside of the premises, its a whole new world. Disneyland means pure magic. Even while children scream bloody murder through-out the park, dying to get out of the death trap we call “strollers”, the general public is happy being in the midst of this wonderland.
For my 16th birthday, my family had taken a small trip down to Disneyland. We were there for no more than an hour and I had already lost my wallet. I had all my important cards in there, and had been flipping out. Now, normally when you lose your wallet, it’s gone. You can expect to never lay eyes on that thing again. But, for some reason, being at Disneyland just changed that. After searching for about 15 minutes for the small little duct-tape wallet, it was found. A nice couple had found it and had given it to a Cast Member. I was filled with not only joy, but such relief. And I only believe it was even handed off was because we were in the little ole’ park we call Disneyland.
Disney atmosphere is not something you see everywhere except for the Disney parks and stores. Even in Las Vegas, we have several Disney stores that for some reason have that “Welcome Home” feeling when you walk right through the door. Walt Disney truly made a never-ending impact on the world if we can step into a small space with the name ‘Disney’ in it somewhere and everyone’s demeanor changes instantly. I have never seen anything like it anywhere else. And that’s what everyone expects. It is expected that anything with the Disney label will bring the Magic “Walt Disney Touch” to life. Do you feel that expectation is met?