FX’s latest 10-episode limited series, Shōgun , unfolds an expansive narrative steeped in the tumultuous realms of feudal Japan, drawing inspiration from James Clavell’s beloved novel. The premiere episode of this epic saga has captivated an audience of 9 million viewers globally across streaming platforms Hulu, Disney+, and Star+ within its initial six days of release, securing its position as the foremost scripted General Entertainment series debut worldwide. Within the domestic landscape, Shōgun emerges as the premier FX offering on Hulu, edging out The Bear Season 2 in viewership, notably fueled by the engagement of Hulu audiences on Disney+. On an international scale, Shōgun takes the lead among all General Entertainment series launches, surpassing even The Kardashians Season 1. Presently, the first 3 episodes from Shōgun is available for streaming, with subsequent installments set to premiere every Tuesday until April 23rd. The forthcoming episode titled “The Eightfold Fence” is slated for release on Tuesday, March 12th, accessible on Hulu in the U.S., as well as on Star+ and Disney+ in Latin America. Additionally, it will be accessible on Disney+ in all other regions, with a scheduled airtime of 10 pm ET/PT on FX. A view is defined as total stream time divided by runtime.
This content was originally published here.